100 Days Project: Days 44-48

Here's my latest update on the 100 Days Project.  I'm still going strong!

44)  I posted another process video on my YouTube channel.  This one featured a one page 12x12 layout with photos from the Sponge Bob parade at Universal Studios.  We were there last summer, and as we used to be really big Sponge Bob fans, it fun to get to see the parade inside the park.

45)  I was away at a scrap retreat for several days, so I worked on quite a few layouts while I was there.

46)  More retreat layouts.  
Photos are from The Lumineers in concert

47)  And more retreat layouts!
Photos are from Cabana Bay/Universal Studios

48)  I did another video on my channel, but this one was a full flip-thru of an album I recently finished.  The album featured photos from my husband's trip to Ireland in 2016.  I did all of the design work, but he actually did all of his own journaling; I was very impressed.


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