100 Days Project Update: Days 26 - 31

I made it through the first month of the 100 Days Project!  (You can't see it, but I'm doing a really lame dance in my chair right now.)  So far, I have found it to be invigorating to work on something creative every day, whether that is a blog post here, a video on my YouTube channel, or actually putting something together when I'm at my craft desk.  Here's a recap of days 26-31.

26)  I did a layout in a traveler's notebook insert.  I am really enjoying this new size and style for crafty projects!

27)  I prepped multiple layouts for an upcoming scrap retreat.  I believe in prepping because it helps me to get more done once I'm there; if I don't have things somewhat planned, I just sit there and become overwhelmed by a blank page and too much stuff around me.  Prepping helps me to pare down what I'm bringing along with me, as well as to already have a design built for each layout.

28)  I recorded a video for my YouTube channel.  This one features 6x8 pocket pages.  I'm getting more and more into this format.  The photos I used were another set that I took at the Glasgow Botanic Gardens.

29)  Today was super fun!  I took an architecture and history walk around St. Paul, Minnesota.  While I live near St. Paul, there is always more to learn about the downtown area and its past.  I took a ton of photos, and it gave me the chance to really practice with shooting in manual mode with my camera.

Photo Sep 03, 8 47 41 AM.jpg
Palace Theatre, St. Paul, MN

30)  After making sure it was really ready to go, I published the video I recorded on Day 28.  
Recording them and then leaving them sit for a day or two helps me to be sure I'm happy with what I've recorded.  It also allows me to add on to a video if I changed anything about a layout after I finished the initial recording.

31)  Last day of August, whew!  I spent some time working through my photos from Edinburgh.  Since I am scrapping them in 6"x8" pocket pages, I am using the Project Life app to combine two photos into a 4"x6" photo (as pockets are a mix of 3x4 and 4x6).

Photo Sep 03, 8 50 34 AM.jpg
Hume statue, Edinburgh, Scotland


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