100 Days Project Update: Days 32 - 37

I'm back today with another update on my progress with the 100 Days Project.  I have to say, I don't know that I've ever been as prolific as this, in terms of creative output.  I'm also loving the inclusion of something creative/crafty into every day, even if it is only for 10 minutes; it makes me feel happier as I go about my day.

32)  I did a blog post here about some of the research I've done for visiting Amsterdam.  I can't believe how quickly that trip is approaching!

33)  I have been slowly working my way through my photos from Edinburgh and Glasgow.  I had printed some of them already in 4x6, originally thinking that I would be doing traditional 12x12 page layouts.  However, since I decided to switch my plan and go with 6x8 pocket pages, I had to rethink my photos.  On this day, I made it all the way through my Glasgow photos, making many of them 3x4 in order to fit two into a 4x6 photo collage (via the Project Life app).

34)  I recorded and posted my fifth process video to my YouTube channel.  This one featured a 12x12 double page layout using photos I took at Salisbury House in Des Moines, Iowa.  I've been working through those trip photos and am almost done with them!  I can't wait to put them into an album to celebrate the fun I had during that long weekend.

35)   I had a bit more time today, since it was a holiday (even though I worked), so I decided to prep several more layouts for my upcoming retreat.  As of that day, I had 27 layouts prepped and in my bag, ready to go for the big crafty weekend.

36)  I finished Lessons 9 and 10 in the online scrap class called "1 Trip, 3 Ways".  This class is offered by a scrapbooker that is half of the Scrap Gals podcast team.  We have many things in common, including our love of travel.  I purchased the class right after she put it up for sale, but I have been going through it slowly.  Part of that is because of other pulls on my time, but part of it is also due to the fact that I just want to savor it; anything about travel gets me excited, but combining travel with scrapping?!  Yes, please!

37)  I filmed and published my sixth process video today.  In order to keep myself on a schedule (I need that), I've decided that I'm going to try posting my process videos on Wednesdays and Sundays.  This will give me several days between videos, which I definitely need.  I intend to continue this at least until I go to the travel conference later this year.


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