100 Days Project Progress: Days 61 - 66

Yep, I'm still chugging along with the 100 Days Project!  I haven't missed a day yet, and I fully plan to keep that going until the end.  We're currently on Day 72, but as I run behind with posting here, I'm actually talking about days 61-66.

61)  I went on a walking tour that was all about the houses where Prince grew up in Minneapolis.  On this day, I downloaded and edited all of the photos that I took while walking through his neighborhood.

62)  I put up a process video on my YouTube channel that featured a 6"x8" pocket page layout.  That layout featured, again, photos from Edinburgh.  It's taking me longer than I anticipated to work through those photos, so there will definitely be more layouts on the docket.

63)  I didn't make anything today, as I chose to spend my creative time getting inspired.  I watched quite a few YouTube videos on traveler's notebook insert layouts.  It really made me want to work on the TN inserts I have going right now.

64)  I was out in Denver for work, which seriously limited my crafty time.  However, I happened to notice that the carpet in the main part of my hotel was pretty cool.  I posted on the Scrap Gals group and jokingly stated that someone should turn the carpet pattern into scrapbooking paper.  And someone did! You can get it here.

65)  I did a blog post here about the 100 Days Project (shocking).

66)  I arrived back home today from a Colorado work trip.  I received another Snapfish order that I needed to sort, so I was able to get that done before I went to bed.


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