Upcoming travel decisions

I've been spending a lot time lately researching different things for my upcoming trip to Europe this summer. As I will be in several countries, that means lots of logistical things to figure out before I leave American soil. However, one of the biggest decisions I need to make is whether or not to attend a travel conference that's happening while I'm over there. That conference was actually the reason I planned the trip in the first place, but as I've been researching more, I'm wondering if it is even worth it for me to spend the time getting to and attending the conference.
I've wanted to attend this travel conference for several years; I had actually planned a trip to go to the one being held in Ireland last October. I ended up not going because I had a flare of my AS, which meant there was no way I could sit on planes for 10-16 hours and then walk for hours and hours every day during the trip. While my back is in better shape (at least right now), there is the issues of whether or not this is the right time for me to attempt a bigger foray into the travel industry, at least in terms of blogging and social media. I've been scouring other travel blogs, reviews of the conferences throughout the past few years, and social posts from established people who are in the travel media business. The impression I'm getting is that I would have to devote a significant amount of time, energy, and possibly money, in order to really get a strong media presence. Given how much time I already spend on a computer for my job, I'm not sure I want to commit to doing so much more, so I'm conflicted.
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