Gathering more NYC stuff

I finally have a day off today, so I'm using part of it to gather more things (!) for my NYC album.  I found some more digital kits/files that had fun and interesting elements, so I spent a little money to add them to my collection.  I purchased this and this and this (this last one was actually a freebie).  I don't know that I'll end up using them all with my current photos, but I do plan to go back to NYC in early 2019, so I may be able to use them then.

Something I've been noticing while searching for items is that it is much harder to find 4x6 cards that I like.  The 3x4 cards are much easier to find and seem far more popular.  I do use a lot of pages in 6x8 size that feature 3x4 pockets, but I also use quite a few that have 4x6 pockets; I'd love to see more modern designs for the larger size.


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